Autonomous Solutions

WHILL Maas Business

A Seamless Solution for
Last-Mile Transportation

The WHILL MaaS business provides a new kind of mobility service. Our goal is to enhance the customer experience through innovation and optimization of last-mile transportation.
Full Movie

Autonomous Mobility
Tailor-Made for Your Business

Accommodating the mobility needs of your customers can be complex.
Our solution is both flexible and adaptable,
enabling us to create an autonomous solution that works for your specific needs.

Enhance Your 
Customer Experience

Our overarching goal is to enhance the customer experience through
a service offering that gives individuals the independence they deserve.
Whether it's your passengers, your patients or your guests, our team can put together a
comprehensive solution to compliment your current mobility service.
  • Optimization of your mobility service operation
  • Safely distance your customer from the staff to stay in line with social distancing practices
  • Early adoption allows you to be prepared as demand for mobility assistance grows
  • Unique, new, innovative tech that adds value to your organization

Health and Safety First

The collision avoidance feature reduces
the risk of collisions with other customers
and/or the surrounding environment.
Fully autonomous mobility service
mitigates the risk of close encounters with
staff compared to the traditional push service.

WHILL Autonomous 
Mobility Service

WHILL Autonomous Mobility Service offers a solution comprised of
autonomous mobility devices compatible with our Operation Portal.
Our safe and reliable systems are designed to integrate seamlessly
into any business and are custom-made to complement your unique environment.

WHILL Autonomous Model

Provides a comfortable ride
without sacrificing the customer experience.


  • Customer interface tablet
  • Stereo camera sensors
  • Push handle
  • Carry-on baggage storage
  • Seat belt

Customer Interface

Easy and intuitive user controls to easily maneuver in any environment.

* Concept screen shown

Operation Portal

Staff can have a real-time visual of where the devices are, and the jobs they are executing.

* Concept screen shown

Service Packages


Autopilot offers way-finding support for customers who simply
want to get directly to their destination stress-free.

Autonomous Self-Return

WHILL Autonomous Model device will automatically drive itself
back to the designated location.
Autonomous Models
Custom hardware design for
B2B application with safety
features and user interface
Operation Portal
Remotely manage the service
and continuously monitor
hardware condition
Regular check-up with part
maintenance and
Software updates
Continuous software updates
as service rollout progresses
New features added and
performance upgrades
Restoring the Autonomous
Model back to good condition
to ensure operational stability
Injuries and property
damages are covered by our
Set Up Support
Various support for facility
managers during the initial
Remote support
Remote support is available for troubleshooting
On-Site Support
Additional on-site staff to
support your staff on the

Customized Solutions


Add value to your organization

The WHILL Autonomous models can be branded with your company logo or have ads on them.
Add value to your business with WHILL Autonomous Mobility Service
and differentiate yourself from competitors.
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Haneda Airport
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport
British Airways

Get In Touch

Learn how we can help optimize your mobility service.
Let us show you how our service can be implemented to your business.